Karta przedmiotu

Wydział: Instytut Polityk Publicznych i Administracji
Kierunek: Gospodarka i administracja publiczna

I. Informacje podstawowe

Nazwa przedmiotu Social Entrepreneurship
Nazwa przedmiotu w j. ang. Social Entrepreneurship
Grupa przedmiotów Przedmiot do wyboru (5. semestr - 2)
Język prowadzenia przedmiotu angielski
Profil przedmiotu Ogólnoakademicki
Kategoria przedmiotu do wyboru
Typ studiów 1. stopień (studia licencjackie)
Liczba semestrów/semestr 1/5
Liczba godzin
stacjonarne: Wykłady: 15 Ćwiczenia: 15
niestacjonarne: Wykłady: 9 Ćwiczenia: 9
Liczba punktów ECTS
stacjonarne: 4
niestacjonarne: 4

II. Wymagania wstępne

Lp. Opis
1 Suggested courses: Entrepreneurship introductory course and/or Environmental course and/or Local and regional development course and/or Public policy introductory course and/or Management introductory course

III. Cele przedmiotu

Kod Opis
C1 Expose students to the field of social entrepreneurship and its role in the global economy raise their awareness of global and local challenges that social entrepreneurs can and do address.
C2 Introduce students to the best and sustainable practices in the field of social entrepreneurship
C3 Provide framework for evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities in the social sector and know-how of establishing a social enterprise.
C4 Raise environmental and social responsibility.

IV. Realizowane efekty kształcenia

Kod Kat. Opis KEK
E1 W Demonstartes knowledge of the basic theory of social entrepreneurship and understands its role as a tool for achieving lasting and significant social change WE-ST1-GA-W05-15/16Z
E2 W Is familiar with numerous social entrepreneurship success stories and with the challenges and rewards of creating and developing social enterprises WE-ST1-GA-W11-15/16Z
E3 U Demonstrates an ability to rigorously analyse the economic, social and political contexts of a social business venture and necessary skills to implement ideas into actions including the ability to choose a legal form and apply non-traditional financing mechanisms WE-ST1-GA-U02-15/16Z
E4 K Demonstrates awareness of major global and local problems as well as an attitudes of respect for the planet and its habitat, responsibility and citizenship for the community, as well as responsiveness to contemporary social challenges. WE-ST1-GA-K02-15/16Z

V. Treści Kształcenia

Kod OpisS (15)N (9)
W1 1. Social entrepreneurship – antedecedents, theoretical pathways and definitions. 2 1
W2 2. How do local problems and global challenges create business opportunities. 2 1
W3 3. The actors of social entrepreneurship stage. Completing not competing role of business, charity and government. 2 2
W4 4. Social entrepreneurship models. 2 1
W5 5. The framework of social entreprenurship leverage. Labour market, public policy, education and consumer habits. 2 1
W6 6. Non profit vs for profit: the problem of fit in organizational forms. Legal foundations of establishing a social enterprise. 2 1
W7 7. Traditional vs emerging financing mechanisms for the social sector. 2 1
W8 8. What have we learned - review and evaluation. Presenation of group projects. 1 1

Kod OpisS (15)N (9)
C1 1. Case study: awareness + responsibility + citizenship = response 2 2
C2 2. The legandary story: Case of Gareem Bank 2 1
C3 3. Case study: local initiatives turn into successful business. 2 1
C4 4, 5. Research and work on group projects. 6 3
C5 6,7. Case study: examining the ups and downs of creating a sustainable social enterprise. Institutional, legal and financial context. 3 2

VI. Metody i formy prowadzenia zajęć

Kod Opis
N1 Wykład audytoryjny
N3 Prezentacja
N4 Dyskusja
N5 Praca w grupach
N7 Analiza przypadku

VII. Sposoby oceny

Oceny bieżące (formujące)
Kod Opis
F4 Prezentacja
F5 Projekt zespołowy
F10 Sprawozdanie z ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych

Sposób obliczania średniej z ocen bieżących (zgodnie z §18 pkt. 4 Regulaminu studiów)
The final grade will comprise of three groups of points: 1. Each student will write an individual reflective blog devoted to social entrepreneurship containing reflective comments on each lecture plus magazine, newspaper, journal findings with reflective comments – worth up to 40 points 2. Additionally, students in groups will research on chosen social or environmental issue with compulsary elements: - up to 40 points - Description of the problem - Existing for profit/non-profit solutions - Interview with relevant parties - Suggested new solutions with recommended organizational form, financing and business model 3. The final group presentation will be worth 20 points The final grade is determined by the total of earned points providing that student earns at least 50% of points within each group of points. The qualification will be the following: 55-60 3,0 60-70 3,5 70-80 4,0 80-90 4,5 90-100 5,0

Oceny z egzaminu (podsumowujące)
Kod Opis
P4 Średnia ważona albo arytmetyczna ocen cząstkowych

Sposób obliczania oceny końcowej (zgodnie z §18 pkt. 5 Regulaminu studiów)
nie określono

Dodatkowe informacje o sposobie obliczania oceny końcowej lub egzaminie

VIII. Kryteria oceny

Efekt kształcenia E1 waga: 25%
Nie osiągnął założonego efektu (ocena 2.0) Obtains less than 60% of required points Does not demonstarte sufficient knowledge of the basic theory of social entrepreneurship and understanding of its role as a tool for achieving lasting and significant social change. Cannot provide relevant examples.
Osiągnął w stopniu dostatecznym (ocena 3.0) Obtains 60%-70% of required points Demonstartes some knowledge of the basic theory of social entrepreneurship and understands its role as a tool for achieving lasting and significant social change. Can provide examples.
Osiągnął w stopniu dobrym (ocena 4.0) Obtains 70%-80% of required points Demonstartes a solid knowledge of the basic theory of social entrepreneurship and understands its role as a tool for achieving lasting and significant social change. Can provide a few examples.
Osiągnął w stopniu bardzo dobrym (ocena 5.0) Obtains 80%-90% of required points Demonstartes a deep knowledge of the basic theory of social entrepreneurship and understands its role as a tool for achieving lasting and significant social change. Can provide relevant examples.
Osiągnął w stopniu celującym (ocena 5.5) Obtains 90-100% of required points Demonstartes exceeding expectations knowledge of the basic theory of social entrepreneurship and understands its role as a tool for achieving lasting and significant social change. Can provide numerous examples.

Efekt kształcenia E2 waga: 25%
Nie osiągnął założonego efektu (ocena 2.0) Obtains less than 60% of required points Is not familiar with numerous social entrepreneurship success stories and with the challenges and rewards of creating and developing social enterprises
Osiągnął w stopniu dostatecznym (ocena 3.0) Obtains 60%-70% of required points Is familiar with a couple of social entrepreneurship success stories and with the challenges and rewards of creating and developing social enterprises
Osiągnął w stopniu dobrym (ocena 4.0) Obtains 70%-80% of required points Is familiar with a few social entrepreneurship success stories and with the challenges and rewards of creating and developing social enterprises
Osiągnął w stopniu bardzo dobrym (ocena 5.0) Obtains 80%-90% of required points Is familiar with numerous social entrepreneurship success stories and with the challenges and rewards of creating and developing social enterprises
Osiągnął w stopniu celującym (ocena 5.5) Obtains 90%-100% of required points Is familiar with numerous social entrepreneurship success stories and with the challenges and rewards of creating and developing social enterprises. Exceeds expectations.

Efekt kształcenia E3 waga: 25%
Nie osiągnął założonego efektu (ocena 2.0) Obtains less than 60% of required points Is not able to rigorously analyse the economic, social and political contexts of a social business venture and does not present the necessary skills to implement ideas into actions including the ability to choose a legal form and apply non-traditional financing mechanisms.
Osiągnął w stopniu dostatecznym (ocena 3.0) Obtains 60%-70% of required points Is somewhat analyse the economic, social and political contexts of a social business venture and presents limited skills to implement ideas into actions including the ability to choose a legal form and apply non-traditional financing mechanisms.
Osiągnął w stopniu dobrym (ocena 4.0) Obtains 70%-80% of required points Is able to analyse the economic, social and political contexts of a social business venture and presents some necessary skills to implement ideas into actions including the ability to choose a legal form and apply non-traditional financing mechanisms.
Osiągnął w stopniu bardzo dobrym (ocena 5.0) Obtains 80%-90% of required points Is able to rigorously analyse the economic, social and political contexts of a social business venture and present necessary skills to implement ideas into actions including the ability to choose a legal form and apply non-traditional financing mechanisms.
Osiągnął w stopniu celującym (ocena 5.5) Obtains 90%-100% of required points Is fully able to rigorously analyse the economic, social and political contexts of a social business venture and presents necessary skills to implement ideas into actions including the ability to choose a legal form and apply non-traditional financing mechanisms.

Efekt kształcenia E4 waga: 25%
Nie osiągnął założonego efektu (ocena 2.0) Obtains less than 60% of required points Does not demonstrate sufficient awareness of major global and local problems as well as an attitudes of respect for the planet and its habitat, responsibility and citizenship for the community, as well as responsiveness to contemporary social challenges.
Osiągnął w stopniu dostatecznym (ocena 3.0) Obtains 60%-70% of required points Demonstrates limited awareness of major global and local problems as well as an attitudes of respect for the planet and its habitat, responsibility and citizenship for the community, as well as responsiveness to contemporary social challenges.
Osiągnął w stopniu dobrym (ocena 4.0) Obtains 70%-80% of required points Demonstrates awareness of major global and local problems as well as an attitudes of respect for thesome planet and its habitat, responsibility and citizenship for the community, as well as responsiveness to contemporary social challenges.
Osiągnął w stopniu bardzo dobrym (ocena 5.0) Obtains 80%-90% of required points Demonstrates awareness of major global and local problems as well as an attitudes of respect for the planet and its habitat, responsibility and citizenship for the community, as well as responsiveness to contemporary social challenges.
Osiągnął w stopniu celującym (ocena 5.5) Obtains 90%-100% of required points Demonstrates a deep awareness of major global and local problems as well as an attitudes of respect for the planet and its habitat, responsibility and citizenship for the community, as well as responsiveness to contemporary social challenges.

Uzyskanie przez Studenta pozytywnej oceny końcowej z przedmiotu możliwe jest w przypadku zrealizowania wszystkich efektów kształcenia w stopniu co najmniej dostatecznym. Ocena końcowa z przedmiotu wyliczana jest według następującej formuły:

25% * ocena z realizacji efektu E1 + 25% * ocena z realizacji efektu E2 + 25% * ocena z realizacji efektu E3 + 25% * ocena z realizacji efektu E4

IX. Obciążenie pracą studenta

Rodzaj aktywności Liczba godzin
stacjonarne niestacjonarne
Godziny kontaktowe z nauczycielem akademickim wynikające z planu studiów 30 18
Godziny kontaktowe z nauczycielem akademickim w ramach konsultacji (np. prezentacji, projektów) 10 12
Godziny kontaktowe z nauczycielem akademickim w ramach zaliczeń i egzaminów 0 0
Przygotowanie do zajęć (studiowanie literatury, odrabianie prac domowych itp.) 20 30
Zbieranie informacji, opracowanie wyników 20 20
Przygotowanie raportu, projektu, referatu, prezentacji, dyskusji 20 20
Przygotowanie do kolokwium, zaliczenia, egzaminu 0 0
Suma godzin 100 100
Liczba punktów ECTS 4 4

X. Macierz realizacji przedmiotu

Efekt kształcenia Odniesienie do efektów kierunkowych Cele przedmiotu Treści kształcenia Narzędzia dydaktyczne Sposoby oceny
C1 W1 W2 W4 W8 C4 N1 N3 N4 N5 F5
C1 C2 W2 W8 C1 C2 C3 C4 N1 N3 N4 N5 N7 F4 F5 F10
C3 W3 W5 W6 W7 W8 C4 C5 N1 N3 N4 N5 N7 F4 F5 F10
C1 C2 C4 W2 W8 C1 C2 C3 C4 N1 N3 N4 N5 N7 F4 F5 F10

XI. Literatura

Literatura podstawowa
Lp. Opis pozycji
1 J. Wei-Skillern, J. E. Austin, H. Leonard, H. Stevenson “Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector”

Literatura uzupełniająca
Lp. Opis pozycji
1 Lecture notes, hand-outs, websites, on-line articles, videos

XII. Informacja o nauczycielach

Osoba odpowiedzialna za Kartę Przedmiotu
Żur Agnieszka, dr (Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji)

Osoby prowadzące przedmiot
Lp. Nauczyciel
1 Żur Agnieszka, dr (Katedra Przedsiębiorczości i Innowacji)

XIII. Informacje dodatkowe

The core of this course is gain interest in a social or environmental issue that each student will research during the line of the course in multiple ways and present the findings along with creative solutions at the end of the course. Each student will write an individual reflective blog devoted to social entrepreneurship containing reflective comments on each lecture plus magazine, newspaper, journal findings with reflective comments – worth up to 50 points Additionally, students in groups will research on chosen social or environmental issue with compulsary elements: - up to 40 points - Description of the problem - Existing for profit/non-profit solutions - Interview with relevant parties - Suggested new solutions with recommended organizational form, financing and business model The final group presentation will be worth 10 points The final grade is determined by the total of earned points providing that student earns at least 50% of points within each group of points. Points will be deducted for handing in papers and research after the deadline. Students will be expected to engage and work hard throughout the semster on a timely basis, respecting all deadlines. Any attempt of unlawful copying or unethical cheating will result in dismissing form the course.

Status karty: ZAAKCEPTOWANO  przez: Broński Krzysztof, dr hab.